The term rhizome is introduced by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari
to descr ibe the way we are thinking. In biology a rhizome is a n
under ground system of br anches that form roots and leaf y shoot, just
beneath and just above the ground. The rhizome is dif ferent from the
old metaphor of the ‘tree of knowledge’, with its unique original r o ot
and branches that bif urcate in binary splittings. Rhizomatic th ink ing
allows for the combination of heterogeneous elements that form a
network that you can enter at any point. Like grass, it grows in b e -
tween things. Although many people think in arborescent (and hie r -
archical) structures, Deleuze states that we have grass in our heads. See
A Thousand P lateaus (1992: 3-25).
Quoted from
Patricia Pisters
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